Dannae's trip through BlogOland

31 octombrie 2006

Wiki-cat (din categoria "stiati ca...")

- The cat is a skilled predator and intelligent animal, known to hunt over 1,000 species for food, and capable of being trained (and learning by itself) to obey simple commands and manipulate simple mechanisms
- They use more than one hundred vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including calling ("meow" or "miaou"), purring, hissing, growling, chirping, clicking, and grunting
- Cats also possess rather loose skin; this enables them to turn and confront a predator or another cat in a fight, even when it has a grip on them
- The particular loose skin at the back of the neck is known as the scruff, and is the area by which a mother cat grips its kittens to carry them. As a result, cats have a tendency to relax and become quiet and passive when gripped there
- Sixty-two individual muscles in the ear allow for a manner of directional hearing: the cat can move each ear independently of the other. Because of this mobility, a cat can move its body in one direction and point its ears in another direction
- Cats conserve energy by sleeping more than most animals, especially as they grow older
- The term cat nap refers to the cat's ability to fall asleep (lightly) for a brief period and has entered the English lexicon – someone who nods off for a few minutes is said to be "taking a cat nap"
- Due to their crepuscular nature, cats are often known to enter a period of increased hyperactivity and playfulness during the evening and early morning
- For a cat at rest, the average heart rate should be between 150 and 180 bpm, about twice that of a human
- During a fall, a cat can reflexively twist its body and right itself using its acute sense of balance and flexibility. This is known as the cat's "righting reflex"
- Average cats have a visual field of view estimated at 200°, versus 180° in humans
- A domestic cat's sense of smell is about fourteen times as strong as a human's
- Some houseplants are harmful to cats. The leaves of the Easter Lily can cause permanent and life-threatening kidney damage to cats. Philodendron are also poisonous to cats
- the common painkiller, paracetamol, is extremely toxic to cats
- Many human foods are toxic to cats; chocolate, for example, can be fatal
- Their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent, but it can provoke allergic reactions in humans
- Cats prefer warmer temperatures than humans do
- The reproduction process can be very loud, as both cats vocalize loudly. If one is not used to the sounds of cats mating, it will sound like a cat fight
- Blue-eyed cats with white fur have a higher incidence of genetic deafness
- When a cat bonds with its owner, the cat may, at times, display behaviors similar to that of a human
- Recent studies have indicated that humans who are exposed to cats or dogs within the first year of their lives develop few animal allergies, while most adults who are allergic to animals did not have a cat or a dog as a pet in childhood
- Cats learn by trial and error, observation and imitation. Cats' learning abilities are aided by their good memory. Research has found cats to have memory about two hundred times better than dogs

27 octombrie 2006

Fotografie conceptuala

20 octombrie 2006

Quelque chose d'interesant

Nouvelle Vague
Muzica frantuzeasca de ascultat la birou, lejera, sunny, sleazy pe alocuri, Christmas sound-like uneori, sau... racita cobza cum sunt, de ascultat acasa in pat, la caldura, cu o cana de vin fiert si pisica torcand alaturi :))
Azi au fost in playlist full-time. Good feeling.

If it’s possible to give a one-trick pony legs, then French producers Marc Collin and Olivier Libau have found the secret. Having perceived that “bossa nova” is Portuguese for “new wave,” the studio duo came up with one of those brilliant yet simple ideas that someone should have thought of years ago: setting classic new-wave tunes to bossa nova beats. There’s a bit more to it than that: their homonymous 2004 debut (released stateside by V2 last year) created elegant electro-organic bossa-nova-based backdrops for a variety of alluring French and Brazilian vocalists whose English-as-a-second-language delivery only added to the exquisite alienation of “Love Will Tear Us Apart” while bringing a bubbly innocence to “Just Can’t Get Enough” and a stoic cold shoulder to “This Is Not a Love Song.” But where do you go from there? Bande à Part (also the title of a 1964 film by Nouvelle Vague director Jean-Luc Godard) answers mostly by staying put. And it’s the song selection that keeps the party swinging, with marimba and acoustic guitar only slightly echoing the Bunnymen on “The Killing Moon,” a strummy groove offsetting the luxurious naughtiness of “Dance with Me,” and a hard-swinging groove pushing “Dancing with Myself” right past its double entendres. (Not to mention the memory of Anna Karina and friends doing the Madison in Godard’s film.) “Pride (In the Name of Love)” seems a misstep in that it’s not a song you can sass; “One” or even “New Year’s Day” would have been a better choice. And if you don’t know the original — say, the Cramps’ “Human Fly” — then it’s only half as much fun. But Bande à Part is worth it just for its creeping (but not quite creepy), sexualized “Bela Lugosi’s Dead.”

19 octombrie 2006

The nicest thing happened today...

Ei, da, hai sa imi fac si eu un pic de ego-masaj, si sa ma laud ca am castigat primul meu concurs foto (yupiiiii ! - beginner's luck, probably), cu niste poze facute in comunitatea tiganilor caldarari din Huedin (jud. Cluj), anul trecut in vara. Neasteptat de bine a picat vestea, cu atat mai mult cu cat inscrisesem pozele la concurs candva prin septembrie. Asa ca peste vreo 2 saptamani ma duc la Bucuresti sa ma premieze :))
Pozele castigatoare le voi posta tot atunci, sa nu se supere organizatorii pe mine ca le-am publicat inaintea deschiderii expozitiei.

Acum vreau sa dorm, sunt racita, ma doare gatul si ma simt ca naiba, ca in reclama aceea alb-negru cu cactusul din gatul unei tanti acre de tot.
Computer shut-down.

16 octombrie 2006

Profil de blogger roman

Un interviu fain aparut pe Metropotam. Catastif, I'm becoming your fan ;)

11 octombrie 2006

Mood-song of the day

: Poles Apart - Pink Floyd

08 octombrie 2006

I've been tagged!

Mii de scuze, Delice, nu am observat decat azi ca m-ai trecut si pe mine printre "the tagged people" din Cluj.
Asadar, sa imi spun si eu the pro's and con's about this city:

1. 3 locuri care imi plac in Cluj:
- oricare dintre dealurile din jurul orasului (mainly Feleac), de pe care vezi noaptea luminile orasului (poza din postul anterior a fost facuta dintr-un astfel de loc)
- strada pe care se afla cladirea Universitatii Babes-Bolyai, pentru atmosfera de "alt secol", cu teii si piateta din capatul strazii, cu statuia lui sf. gheorghe si biserica gotica unde se tin din cand in cand concerte de orga
- stradutele in panta care urca spre cartierul Zorilor, pentru ca aerul de acolo iti da senzatia ca te afli la munte

2. 3 locuri pe care le detest in Cluj
- piata de legume-fructe din Mihai Viteazu, pentru manelele date la maxim la taraba si lumea pestrita de acolo
- cartierul Marasti, pentru blocurile cenusii super inghesuite si super inalte, fara pic de verdeata
- zona garii, pentru senzatia de sordid si de lume interlopa pe care ti-o lasa

3. 3 lucruri pe care un occidental nu le-ar intelege in Cluj
- de ce gunoierii/ maturatorii ies la treaba seara la ora 10, cand inca lumea circula pe strazile din centru
- de ce maturatorii inca matura trotuarele cu maturoaie din nuiele, exact ca acum 100 sau 200 de ani, invaluind cu nepasare trecatorii in nori grosi de praf
- de ce batrani amarati vand flori sau mere in fata marilor magazine din centru, ca sa aiba bani de paine, ca de medicamente nu mai poate fi vorba

4. 3 locuri in care imi place sa ies cu prietenii
- cafeneaua "Qui vonQuint" (din nou, nu cred ca am scris corect, e in maghiara), pentru ca foarte putina lume stie de ea si pentru atmosfera speciala
- Parcul Central (la Kios, cum spun clujenii)
- Parcul Sportiv

cel mai de fitze cartier
- Andrei Muresanu, fara a fi totusi kitschios

cel mai urat cartier
- categoric, Marasti

Si, mai departe, the tagged people would be: Mishu, Cobru, ca sunt si ei clujeni, Oana Anca pentru ca e din Oradea (orasul in care am copilarit)

07 octombrie 2006

Cluj postcard

Povestea domnitelor insingurate

A fost odata ca niciodata un Print Cam Singuratic care traia netulburat in regatul tatalui sau, Regele. Zilele Printului erau umplute cu hoinareli tihnite alaturi de domnite insingurate, pe care le scotea din turnurile lor de fildes cu speranta nemarturisita ca vreuna dintre ele va reusi sa il scoata, la randu-i, din propriu-i turn in care isi ferecase sufletul demult, nici nu mai stia cand. Intr-una din aceste hoinareli s-a intamplat ca a zarit o domnita insingurata care stralucea altfel decat celelalte, parandu-i ca emana o cantitate mai mare de singuratate decat celelalte domnite. Numaidecat, se dadu de trei ori peste cap ca sa se transforme in Fat-Frumos si pleca in graba in cucerirea Fetei, caci asa o chema pe aceasta domnita stralucitoare. Nu i-a fost greu printului sa o cucereasca si sa o aduca in castelul lui, caci pe drum au avut parte de cea mai frumoasa toamna. Pe cand treceau prin Padurea de Argint Fata a simtit ca in sufletul ei se petrece o schimbare, care o facea sa radieze si mai multa stralucire ca pana atunci. Ajunsi la castel, Fata a stiut ca trebuie sa ii dea si lui din stralucirea asta neobisnuita pe care o adunase pe parcursul calatoriei. Si-a lipit sufletul de al lui, dar Printul, in loc sa inceapa sa straluceasca si el, se innegrea pe zi ce trece, tot mai tare. Si a inceput sa o evite pe Fata, si sa petreaca tot mai multe ore singur in turnul lui cel ferecat. Fata, neintelegand cauza innegrelii printului, a incercat ea cat a incercat sa il imbuneze sa iasa de-acolo, dar in van, caci nu a vrut sa mai stie de ea. Atunci, Fata, adunandu-si stralucirea care ii mai ramasese din Padurea de Argint, a plecat inlacrimata si nu s-a mai uitat inapoi, preferand sa pastreze acele ultime ramasite. In ziua urmatoare, Printul si-a reluat hoinarelile cu domnitele lui insingurate, continuand sa spere ca poate s-o gasi printre ele vreuna care sa ii darame turnul cel ferecat si sa il salveze de el insusi.

Fundal sonor: The Gathering - The Quiet One

06 octombrie 2006

05 octombrie 2006

B/ W feel

sursa: www.photo.net

02 octombrie 2006

Dress like a girl?

M-am trezit de dimineata in my feminine mood. That kind of mood in care vreau sa port rochii.
Cu toate astea, m-am imbracat tocmai pe dos. Adica foarte sport si masculin. But I wish I had at least one of those...

Piesa zilei: The Gathering - Home