Dannae's trip through BlogOland

28 iunie 2006

Who's gonna ride your wild horses?
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea?
Who's gonna ride your wild horses?
Who's gonna fall in front of thee?

27 iunie 2006

A bit more autistic.

Am fugit de lume.
Nu mai vreau sa stiu de nimic.
Nu mai sunt eu, Dana din fiecare zi.
Azi nu.
Am luat o pauza.

'Til further notice, just let ME be all by myself.


Dupa-amiaza desueta in Brasov

Duminica dupa-masa, caldura mare in Brasov.... In parcul de sub Tampa, intr-un foisor, canta fanfara (!).... Aer de vremuri vechi, cu camasi albe scrobite si pantaloni cu talie inalta, muzica de patefon si plimbari cuminti pe sub tei (a la Ionel Teodoreanu.. daca va (mai) amintiti...). Lumea asculta cuminte adunata roata in jurul foisorului si a orchestrei. Copiii, mici de tot, stau si mai cuminti, chiar langa oamenii din orchestra, ... asculta si ei, cu bunicii supraveghindu-i din multime.

Experienta neasteptata.

Se termina concertul, cobor in Piata Sfatului, unde dau peste o expozitie de masini "de epoca", anii '40-'60. Atmosfera de "inapoi in timp" mi se intipareste si mai puternic in simturi. Chiar sunt in secolul XXI? Nu in dupa-amiaza aceasta....

20 iunie 2006

Azi gandesc un pic mai abstract ca de obicei :))

Eu am denumit-o "man with a hat"...
Voi cum i-ati spune?
Chiar astept sa imi comentati work-of-art-ul.

19 iunie 2006

Breathe (the mood-song of the day)

Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave but don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

// Fata din poza este my bestfriend Laura. Un shooting foto in cea mai speciala cafenea a Clujului, "Quivonquint" s-ar pronunta in maghiara... Pacat ca nu am retinut cum se scrie. O sa ma interesez.

15 iunie 2006

Teardrop (by Massive Attack)

PS: (... geamul plouat al camerei mele...)
PPS: (parca e dintr-o reclama la bere, mai degraba...)
PPPS: (nu am reusit sa fac focus exact unde vroiam).

14 iunie 2006

Si degeaba...

Nici cu muzica lui VAST nu reusesc sa scap de senzatia acuta de plictiseala-de-orice cu care m-am trezit azi. Acum ma duce gandul la apropiata evadare (sub pretext de "concediu" ca, deh, working people we are...) la cort, la o carte citita in liniste perfecta, la muzica in cashti, la umplut cardul de 1 Giga cu fotografii, la o baie in apa rece, la soooomn, iar la citit, iar la muzica, iar la.... Eh, I really need a break.
Pana atunci, o sa exersez gandirea stoica :(
Sau o sa gasesc consolari.
Din lista de mai jos:
- transformatul debaralei in dressing de haine
- donat mobila veche si desenat idei de mobila noua, plus puse in practica impreuna cu un meshter bun
- surmenat parintii cu ideile mele "outrageous" de adoptat pisica si luat vehicol motorizat cu 4 roti, candva anu' asta, totusi...

Anti-boredom Song. For Today.

VAST - Pretty When You cry

you're made of my river baby
you're made of my sin
and i cant tell where your lust ends and where your love begins
i didn't want to hurt you baby
i didn't want to hurt you
i didn't want to hurt you but you're pretty when you cry
and the moon gives me permission and i enter through her eyes
she's losing her virginity and all her will to compromise
i didn't want to hurt you baby
i didn't want to hurt you
i didn't want to hurt you but you're pretty when you cry
i didn't want to have you baby
i didn't want to have you
i didn't want to have you but you're pretty when you're mine
i didn't really love you baby
i didn't really love you
i didn't really love you but i'm pretty when i lie
you hurt me baby
i hurt you baby
if you knew how much i love you, you would run away
but when i treat you bad it always makes you want to stay
i didn't want to hurt you baby
i didn't want to hurt you baby
how can you do this to me now?

11 iunie 2006

Am I a Toriphile?

Imi place la culme Tori Amos, de la felul in care canta la versurile ascunse (si puternice) pe care le scrie. Sapand recent netul in cautare de informatii mai consistente despre muzica ei, am dat peste o categorie semantica noua - asa-numitii "toriphiles" :)... sau Tori-fili mai pe romaneste (as in "anglofil"). Oi fi si eu din categoria Toriphile? Poate... daca asta exprima o anume compatibilitate de structura mentala si sensibila cu muzica ei, da, atunci ma declar "tori-fila".. altfel, resping ideea de "fan Tori Amos" sau de "fan" al oricarei trupe, in general.

Weekendul asta am re-vizionat, selectiv ce-i drept, dvd-urile din colectia "Fade To Red", cele mai faine videoclipuri scoase de ea pe parcursul a 10 ani.

She's so simply and powerful sensual, this girl!

09 iunie 2006

Out of order

Nu am uitat de blog, am luat doar o pauza. Stupid health issues, chestiile care ti se intampla cand ai mai putin chef de asa ceva. Adica, te astepti sa dai in boala cand e frig afara, iarna... Da' uite ca eu dau in boala cand e vara si vreme faina :D... Oricum, am petrecut cateva zile cam ca si pisica din poza... Disconnected. Cu mult te-ve si ceai. Stiu cam tot ce se intampla la turneul de tenis de la Roland Garros si m-am pus la punct cu noile emisiuni de pe Discovery.
Aa, am gasit nume pentru my-upcoming cat (anu' asta e in grafic): Ralph. :-)

01 iunie 2006

A Great Day for Freedom [ sau cum e sa vrei sa fii altcandva...]

On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrived

On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight

I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth, not even pride remained
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you

Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbours turn away
And there's a change that, even with regret, cannot be undone

Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray

I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitted residue slipped away...slipped away

Pink Floyd, obviously.