Dannae's trip through BlogOland

28 noiembrie 2006

Imi place ceatza

26 noiembrie 2006

Foggy weekend

17 noiembrie 2006

Cretinizarea marketerilor

Intr-o brosura recenta cu oferta Cora, peste ce imi cad ochii... scutece pentru adulti "Seni"... !
Gizas! Cata imaginatie pe cei care au creat marca... ! Ii si vad, gandindu-se la un nume dragutz pentru un astfel de produs (desi mie mi se pare un produs mai degraba "medical", unde nu e rost de glume). Ce si-or fi zis...? Hai sa ii dam un nume de alint, pentru bietii batranei care nu se mai pot tine, ca oricum au dat in mintea copiilor si s-ar putea chiar sa rada citind ambalaju' produsului... Mie mi se pare degradant si jignitor (prin alintatura inutila).
Daca vreti sa va mai distrati citind exemple similare de "exces de creativitate", cititi post-ul super-hilar al lui NoExcuses .

12 noiembrie 2006

Ascultandu-i pe nou-descoperitii (pentru mine) electronici de la Röyksopp, m-am trezit ca visez cu ochii deschisi la zapada. Munte, zapada cat vezi cu ochii, mirosul de frig in aer si albastru, alb, albastru, alb, ... all over... ma fac sa simt o bucurie mare de tot, ca un copil care nu mai are rabdare pana isi ia skiurile si o-ntinde pe partie (bine, la modul in care skiez, probabil voi fi la propriu mai tot timpul "pe" partie). Zapada sa fie, restul chiar nu conteaza.

Sa ninga odata!

Piesa pentru ascultat pe zapada la - 5 grade: Röyksopp - Only This Moment

09 noiembrie 2006

The Ballad of Bill Hubbard

Azi m-a "urmarit" piesa asta. That kind of song that gives you the chills...

"Two things that have haunted me most are the days when I had to collect the paybooks; and when I left Bill Hubbard in no-man's-land." "I was picked up and taken into their trench. And I'd no sooner taken two or three steps down the trench when I heard a call, 'Hello Razz, I'm glad to see you. This is my second night here,' and he said 'I'm feeling bad,' and it was Bill Hubbard, one of the men we'd trained in England, one of the original battalion. I had a look at his wound, rolled him over; I could see it was probably a fatal wound. You could imagine what pain he was in, he was dripping with sweat; and after I'd gone about three shellholes, traversed that, had it been...had there been a path or a road I could have done better. He pummeled me, 'Put me down, put me down, I'd rather die, I'd rather die, put me down.' I was hoping he would faint. He said 'I can't go any further, let me die.' I said 'If I leave you here Bill you won't be found, let's have another go.' He said 'All right then.' And the same thing happened; he couldn't stand it any more, and I had to leave him there, in no-man's-land."