Dannae's trip through BlogOland

30 iulie 2006

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring

Un film al detaliilor si al amanuntelor aparent ne-semnificative, dar care de fapt semnifica esentze. Cred ca e filmul cu cele mai putine replici vorbite la care m-am uitat pana acum. Cu toate astea nu le-am simtit lipsa. Un film estetic in cel mai inalt grad, pana si cea mai neinsemnata frunza sau piatra care apar in cadru parca stau acolo ca sa ne spuna ceva. Estetismul acesta e, dealtfel, comun mai tuturor filmelor asiatice (vezi filmografia lui Wong Kar Wai....).

Un film care vine sa spuna ca esenta noastra si a lucrurilor care ne inconjoara sta in simplitate. Simple things matter and make the difference between the whole and the part. Frumos. Acum ca l-am vazut, ziua mea de duminica se arata mai putin lenesa.

28 iulie 2006


Teribil de cald. Mi-e somn intruna. Am iesit la pranz sa ma plimb prin oras (in pauza de masa de la servici) si asa de tare frigea soarele, ca simteam ca ma ia cu lesin la fiecare pas.... Si asa o lipsa de chef de orice am pe caldura asta.... Cu atat mai nasoala starea cu cat de luni apartamentul mi se transforma in santier, for a week or so... Sper sa ma tina nervii atata timp.... ca sa ma pot bucura de confortul de dupa.

It's gonna be a hot weekend in the city, la propriu :-D
Poate compensez cu o portie de alergat pe pista de atletism sau cu o baie la piscina.... sau cu volumul 3 din Dune.... sau cu muuulta inghetata... sau cu... somn, sau... voi toarce ca o lazy-lady Garfield ce sunt in fata tv-ului....

Si piesa zilei: Placebo - Pierrot the Clown

26 iulie 2006

"Musculitza-libelula-din-reclama" care traieste doar o zi....

...Am gasit-o la Lapush si v-am adus-o.... ;)
So, enjoy the day.

E prea cald ca sa incerc sa postez niste ganduri cat de cat coerente.
Poate maine imi iese. Acum ma pun frumusel & comfortably (but not numb) on my new modern couch si ma uit la un serial pe calc.

24 iulie 2006

Bohemian Rapsody (in Tara Lapushului...)

Back in town. De la cort si de la scaldat in rau de munte. Scurta vacanta umpluta cu lene si prajit la soare. Cam prea scurta, totusi... A! O chestie interesanta: in raul Lapush sunt raci, semn ca apa nu e poluata. Unul dintre ei a ajuns, bietul, sa fumeze :D - dupa cum se vede in poza de mai jos ... Si cel mai suprinzator (si deopotriva frumos) fapt petrecut acolo: sa ma trezesc in toiul noptii din cauza unui monolog-fragment din Noaptea furtunoasa a lui Caragiale, recitat in gura mare de cineva fara somn...

14 iulie 2006

All packed-up. Yupii!

Din fericire, unde ma duc in vacanta nu este Internet,
... asa ca ne reauzim cam intr-o saptamana.


13 iulie 2006

Piesa zilei

Roxy Music - More than this

I could feel at the time
There was no way of knowing
Fallen leaves in the night
Who can say where they're blowing
As free as the wind
Hopefully learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning

More than this you know there's nothing
More than this tell me one thing
More than this ooh there is nothing

It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like a dream in the night
Who can say where we're going
No care in the world
Maybe I'm learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning

More than this you know there's nothing
More than this tell me one thing
More than this no, there's nothing

12 iulie 2006

Saint Tropez Breeze

Ma gandeam acum, updatandu-mi blogul, ca mi-am facut un obicei (acum i-as zice "prost") din a exprima prea sintetic ceea ce simt/ vreau la un moment dat, sub forma vizuala mai ales... De exemplu acum, stiind ca vreau sa scriu despre apa & water-like feelings, caut pe gettyimages.com o poza care sa exprime esenta a ceea ce vreau sa spun (deh, in "portofoliul" meu de fotograf-amator-incepator nu am poze cu apa - inca) si gasesc Poza. Cea din stanga... si mi se pare atat de graitoare, ca nu imi mai vin cuvintele...Si uite-asa, ajung sa fac in continuare "economie" de cuvinte... Ce sa mai adaug...? Ca azi m-a "bantuit" dorul de balaceala in apa, ca am fost la strand si am plutit in cele din urma... Chiar si acum sunt intr-o stare de moleseala si relaxare, si ascult cafe del mar-uri very trance si imi vine sa ma duc maine la mare.... pe o plaja goala daca s-ar putea...

Pana una alta am scos de la naftalina o piesa mai... veche...

like a bird flying too high
up in the clearblue sky
wondering if wings will hold -
the air is heavier than
her heart
'cause she got too close
underneath the shell,
seems (though) not close enough
to break all the
magic gathered inside
that's why
she's flying alone now
in the open sky
above all things
that could have been
her guide
e-very cloud up there in the sky
e-very sound of another goodbye
tells me i'm right...
tells me i'm right...
chorus: [like the clearblue sky
and the breeze...]
like a swmimmer catching his breath
he has no air left
he's coming to surface
to feel the morning breeze
onto his face
just a reminder of
his lover's neck

so gently uncovered
under the fingers

11 iulie 2006

Newsflash... Syd Barrett Dies At Age 60 ....

Syd Barrett, the former lead singer of Pink Floyd and one of the key figures of the 60s, died last Friday on 7th July 2006 at the age of 60 from complications arising from diabetes.

The guitarist was the band's first creative force and an influential songwriter, penning their early hits.

He joined Pink Floyd in 1965 but left three years later after one album. He went on to live as a recluse, with his mental deterioration blamed on drugs.

O piesa rara, tare simpatica, de-a lui....

Syd Barrett - Effervescing Elephant

An Effervescing Elephant
with tiny eyes and great big trunk
once whispered to the tiny ear
the ear of one inferior
that by next June he'd die, oh yeah!
because the tiger would roam.
The little one said: "Oh my goodness I must stay at home!
and every time I hear a growl
I'll know the tiger's on the prowl
and I'll be really safe, you know
the elephant he told me so."
Everyone was nervy, oh yeah!
and the message was spread
to zebra, mongoose, and the dirty hippopotamus
who wallowed in the mud and chewed
his spicy hippo-plankton food
and tended to ignore the word
preferring to survey a herd
of stupid water bison, oh yeah!
And all the jungle took fright,
and ran around for all the day and the night
but all in vain, because, you see,
the tiger came and said: "Who me?!
You know, I wouldn't hurt not one of you.
I'd much prefer something to chew
and you're all to scant." oh yeah!
He ate the Elephant


Yees ...!

13 August, ora 20:00 la Arenele Romane

10 iulie 2006

Dune rules!

Am inceput sa citesc Dune (nu radeti! :D, ci mai bine ziceti in gand, cu British accent - "finally, it was a-bouut time"...). Termin cele cateva volume luna asta, si apoi o sa iau filmele la digerat. De-abia astept.

"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."

Wise man, Frank Herbert "acesta" , nu? ;-)

07 iulie 2006

Underwater feeling

05 iulie 2006

Yesterday's Chase

ethereal light.
fluffy clouds
chasing one another.
the ground seems too small.
not fair.
I wanna be up-high.
right there.
near those fluffy white clouds.

04 iulie 2006

Desi e caaaald afara, nu mi-a intrat mintea in vacanta...

Asta mi-e starea din ultimele zile: PF - Poles Apart. enjoy!

Did you know...it was all going to go so wrong for you
And did you see it was all going to be so right for me
Why did we tell you then
You were always the golden boy then
And that you'd never lose that light in your eyes

Hey you...did you ever realise what you'd become
And did you see that it wasn't only me you were running from
Did you know all the time but it never bothered you anyway
Leading the blind while I stared out the steel in your eyes

The rain fell slow, down on all the roofs of uncertainty
I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me
And did you know...

I never thought that you'd lose that light in your eyes